Co-designing citizen science for STEM4youth project

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Under the umbrella of the European project STEM4youth for engaging teenagers with citizen science, I recently had the opportunity of collaborating for a series of case studies with the OpenSystems group leaded by Josep Perelló at the University of Barcelona. We organised a series of co-design sessions of experiments about human behaviour with three diverse groups of students from different secondary schools (totalling more than 100 participants as “amateur researchers”).  The basic premise of the process was to start in the same way in all cases: rather than only involving students in the data gathering process (which is the usual approach […]

First phase of field research

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This January I just started the fieldwork for my PhD project, which in this case means (apart from some interviews and analysis of materials) to combine the role of co-creation facilitator with direct observation, and other ways of gathering relevant data about the adoption of co-design and agile for collaborative research. For this, the calendar of several research processes are just starting and the people behind them coordinating with me in order to have specific sessions for the collaborative definitions of what to develop as collaborative enquiry and how. This coincides, in all cases, with a previous agreement that based […]